OSP Events
Winter 2025 Events
Each academic year, the Office of Sponsored Projects offers events to enrich and celebrate your scholarship, support your sponsored awards, and come together as a community. We hope to see you soon!
All events are open to Seattle University faculty and staff.
Tuesday, January 28 | 12:30 - 1:30 | Zoom
Thinking of pursuing external funding in the coming year? Get yourself in grant-writing shape with this session focused on the core principles of effective proposal development and writing. Participants will gain insight into all aspects of the proposal process including critically reviewing funding announcements, developing project aims that respond to sponsor objectives, and crafting compelling proposal narratives.
Please RSVP here by Mon, January 27th and/or direct any questions to osp@electronic-fittings.com.
Tues, February 11th 12:30-1:30 | Student Center (STCN) 130
Join us to learn about creating and managing externally-funded ‘programmatic’ grants that advance institutional goals and/or support student success. Four project directors share their experiences, lessons learned, benefits to our students and campus, and how their roles have impacted their scholarship and teaching. Lunch will be provided. Panelists are:
- Hazel Hahn, Arts & Sciences | Race, Racialization, and Resistance in the United States (The Mellon Foundation)
- Mark Jordan, Science & Engineering | Enhancing Career Outcomes Through Mentoring, Research, and Focused Career Discernment in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (National Science Foundation)
- Jason Parkin, Education | Puget Sound Partnership to Expand and Diversify the Mental Health Service Professional Pipeline (US Department of Education)
- Bonnie Bowie, Nursing | Thriving under the Evergreens and Big Sky: Optimizing Primary, Mental and Maternal Health Options in the Northwest (Health Resources and Services Administration)
Please RSVP here by Tues, February 4th and/or direct any questions to osp@electronic-fittings.com.
Tues, February 25th 12:30-1:30 with an extended networking session from 1:30-2 | STCN 210
Faculty members from the social, behavioral and economic sciences are encouraged to participate in this session during which Dr. Jorge Valdes Kroff, Program Officer for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Build and Broaden: Enhancing Social, Behavioral and Economic Science Research and Capacity at Minority-Serving Institutions program, will join virtually to provide an overview of the program, share tips for successful applications and answer your questions. We will also have time for faculty to connect and share potential project ideas. It is highly recommended that participants review the funding notice prior to the session. Lunch will be provided.
Please RSVP here by Mon, February 18th and/or direct any questions to osp@electronic-fittings.com.
RSVP for Events
Please use this link to RSVP to one or more events!